
quarta-feira, 26 de março de 2014

A Family Man by Sarah Osborne

A Family Man by Sarah Osborne

Kindle Edition405 pages
Published March 22nd 2014

"Joe Tiny Taylor is a big man with a big heart, hes also the hit man and enforcer for The Freaks MC. Hes all about family, whether its his brothers in the club or the women at home, Joe takes care of them all. But thats where it gets complicated. Between his crazy ex Maria, her younger sister Beth and his mother, theres more to negotiate than in the deepest workings of the outlaw life. But theres one shining light that always holds true for him, his North Star, the one that keeps the darkness at bay. Amy, Maria's young daughter.
Its a delicate balancing act, and its down to Joe to keep it all together, but someone threw away the manual."

Review in Portuguese and English

Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/890586259?book_show_action=false

Gostei muito e recomendo.
Mas este não é um típico livro sobre moto clube. Você não vai ver as festas e as vadias do clube, elas aparecem como pano de fundo da história. 
O livro trata da vida pessoal e dos relacionamentos familiares e sentimentais do herói.
Ele tenta separar a vida no Moto Clube da vida pessoal dele. Mas acaba descobrindo que as duas são interligadas não importa o que ele faça para separá-las.
Até 50% do livro a história se foca no relacionamento dele com a ex e com a filha dela. É um relacionamento tóxico, mas que ele não consegue se livrar. É como uma mariposa sendo seduzida pela luz.
Após ele se relaciona com Beth e o Moto Clube acaba aparecendo mais na vida dele e temos um panorama do que ele faz para o clube e as consequências disto na vida dele e como acaba afetando a vida familiar dele.
Nosso herói tem uma personalidade bem complexa e acabamos querendo aprofundar nosso conhecimento sobre ele.
Fiquei surpresa positivamente com a história. O ritmo é lento, mas prende a atenção do leitor. Nós ficamos querendo saber o que vai acontecer e confesso que teve duas ocasiões que realmente me surpreenderam com o rumo que a história tomou.
Não posso dar muitos detalhes para não estragar a leitura.
I enjoyed and recommend.
But this is not a typical book about motorcycle club. You won't see the parties and Club sluts, they appear as the backdrop of the story.
The book deals with the personal life and family relationships of the hero.
He tries to separate the life in the motorcycle club of his personal life. But ends up discovering that the two are interlinked whatever he does to separate them.
Up to 50% of the book the story focuses on his relationship with his ex and her daughter. It's a toxic relationship, but he can't get rid of it. It's like a moth being seduced by the light.
After he starts a relationship with Beth and the motorcycle club ends up appearing more in his life and have an overview of what he does for the Club and the consequences of this in his life and how it ends affecting his family life.
Our hero has a very complex personality and just wanting to deepen our knowledge about him.
I was surprised positively with the story. The pace is slow, but holds the reader's attention. We were wondering what's going to happen and I confess that I had two occasions that really surprised me with the way the story has taken.
I can't give too many details so as not to spoil the reading.

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