
quarta-feira, 11 de maio de 2016

Defender (Her Long, Tall Texan) by Diana Palmer

Defender (Her Long, Tall Texan) by Diana Palmer

Kindle Edition384 pages
Expected publication: July 1st 2016 by HQN Books

ARC by Netgalley for an honest review.
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/review/show/1625047512

The man who shattered her trust is back to protect her… New York Times bestselling author Diana Palmer delivers a breathtaking story of second-chance love. 
When Paul Fiore disappeared from Isabel Grayling's life, he told himself it was for all the right reasons. She was young and innocent, and he was her millionaire father's lowly employee. Three years on, Paul is the FBI agent assigned to Isabel's case. Too late, he realizes what life in her Texas mansion was really like back then—and how much damage he did when he left. 
Once love-struck and sheltered, Isabel has become an assistant district attorney committed to serving the law, no matter how risky it gets. But right now, the man she can't forgive is the one thing standing between her and a deadly stalker. She knows Paul won't hesitate to protect her life with his own. But if she can't trust herself to resist him, how can she trust him not to break her heart all over again?
Review in Portuguese and English:
Heroína virgem vivendo em uma lar abusivo mas de família rica. 
Herói é atormentado pelo passado e sofrendo de  complexo de inferioridade.
Paul está fugindo do passado e tentando esquecer. Trabalha como guarda costas para o pai da heroína que é muito controlador e meio paranoico. Ele acaba se envolvendo com a heroína mas devido aos traumas do passado ele resolve ir embora. As desculpas que Paul dá para se demitir acabam causando muitos problemas para ela e a irmã dela.
Nossa heroína acaba fazendo de tudo para se libertar do domínio do pai dela e proteger a irmã dela.
Os anos passam e Paul acaba voltando e fica chocado com a sucessão de eventos que ele ocasionou com a partida dele.
A história é mais de suspense do que romance e senti falta dos elementos que são comuns à todas histórias da autora. Senti falta da confusão nas festas, mulher interessada no herói e homem interessado na heroína que causasse ciúme nos heróis. 
As cenas entre os heróis foram insuficientes, faltaram cenas quentes entre os dois. E o herói foi até quase o final do livro sem se decidir o que ele realmente queria.
Foi legal a participação dos heróis dos livros anteriores e termos uma visão da vida deles e de suas amadas. Todos estão lá para proteger e combater os bandidos.
Afinal os habitantes de Jacobsville nunca desamparam seus moradores e todos protegem a Isabel e a irmã dela.
No geral foi uma boa leitura.
Recomendo para as fãs da escritora.
Heroin Virgin living in an abusive home but from a rich family.
Hero is tormented by the past and suffering from inferiority complex.
Paul is running away from the past and trying to forget. Works as a bodyguard for the father of the heroine who is very controlling and a little paranoid. He ends up getting involved with heroin but due to past trauma, he resolves to leave. The excuses that Paul gives to resign end up causing a lot of problems for her and her sister.
Our heroine ends up doing everything to free himself from her father's domain and protect her sister.
The years pass and Paul ends up coming back and is shocked with the succession of events that he caused with his departure.
The story is more suspense than romance and I missed elements that are common to all stories by the author. I miss the mess at parties, women interested in the hero and man interested in heroin that caused jealousy in heroes.
The scenes between the heroes were insufficient, lacked hot scenes between the two. And the hero was until almost the end of the book without deciding what he really wanted.
It was nice to the participation of the heroes of the previous books and have a vision of their lives and their loved ones. All are there to protect and fight the bad guys.
After all the inhabitants of Jacobsville never desamparam its residents and all protect Isabel and her sister.
Overall it was a good read.
Recommend to the fans of the writer.

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