
sábado, 19 de fevereiro de 2022

Review: The Unwanted Wife

The Unwanted Wife The Unwanted Wife by Natasha Anders
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

4 ⭐⭐⭐⭐ - Liked it!
===>Reread February 14, 2022
===>Reread June 26, 2019
==>Reread December 27, 2016
==>Read October 4, 2012

1) emotional cheating (he's in love with another woman)
2) date and photographed with countless other women to humiliate the heroine (It's cheating for me)
3) never kissed her and only sex to procreate, without intimacy or affection
4) she forgave very easily
5) she's a doormat who took too long being humiliated and treated like shit

But the story holds the attention of the reader and resisted a new reading. I keep recommending for those who like a doormat and an asshole.

“Do you honestly think I care what people think of me, Theresa? Do you think I care what you think of me? I never have and I never will. You’re weak and spoiled.”

"He hated her so much so that he couldn’t bring himself to speak to her, kiss her, touch her outside of bed, or even look at her."

“How the hell am I supposed to respect someone who sold herself to the highest bidder?”

“I have no respect for you, Theresa, not even as the potential mother of my child, because, quite frankly, you can’t even do that right.”

“No, but I think it’s time we do talk about you, about your outrageous behavior, about the other women and your blatant disregard for the fact that you’re married!”

“Are you telling me that she married me believing that I was in love with her?” He sounded incredulous that Theresa would ever have believed him in love with her.
“Of course.” Her father snorted.

“Sire a boy on the brat and be done with it. Surely the task shouldn’t be too difficult for a strapping young man like you? After that, you’re most welcome to obtain your divorce and live happily ever after with that Francesca woman of yours. ‘The love of your life’—that’s what the press once called her, right?"

"Instead the baby would only ever have been a way for him to gain his freedom and carry on his life with Francesca."

“They had everything to do with love,” he suddenly thundered, silencing her abruptly as she stared up at him in wide-eyed shock. “Just not love for you.”

“I mean, surely you wouldn’t want anything to do with a child spawned with a woman you despise and carrying the blood of a man you consider your enemy?”

"The quintessential doormat"

View all my reviews

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