
quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2016

Bad Apple (Uncertain Saint's MC #4) by Lani Lynn Vale

Bad Apple (Uncertain Saint's MC #4) by Lani Lynn Vale

Kindle Edition, 266 pages
Expected publication: September 1st 2016
Series: Uncertain Saint's MC #4


The road to hell is paved with good intentions… 
Apple “Core” Drew needs The Uncertain Saints MC like he needs air. He is barely making it through the day, and each one that goes by takes him closer and closer to hell. Literally, not figuratively. 
He’s a half breath away from killing himself—maybe not by taking his own life, but he’s not against making someone else do it for him. 
Then he meets her. One of his club member’s sister, and his whole outlook on life changes. 
And not for the better. 
Just as surely as he ruined his life, he ruins her life, too. One lapse in judgement on his part, and his one night of happiness turns into the worst nine months of his life. 
Which he would’ve thought was damn near impossible with the things he’s done and seen. 
She never saw it coming… 
It was the beard. The beard made her do it. 
That is a good excuse for having sex with a man she barely knows, isn’t it? 
Yeah, who was she kidding? It wasn’t the beard. It was the way he looked so dejected and solemn. The sad look in his eyes pulls her in, and the way his rough hands touch her makes her stay. 
All she wants to do is take that look out of his eyes, but the consequences to her actions only make things worse, not better. 
One day is all she gets, and he’s not willing to give her more. 
Until she dies, that is. Then it’s too late. 

Resenha em português e inglês. Review in Portuguese and English.

Primeiro eu gostaria de agradecer a autora pela cópia antecipada.
Ela é uma das minhas autoras favoritas e eu leio tudo que ela escreve.
Eu não vou entrar muito em detalhes para não estragar a leitura de vocês, mas a história é ótima e vale a pena ser lida. 
Os membros do Uncertain Saint's MC são todos unidos por situações extremas, cada um deles é problemático e com uma história triste e bem pesada. O clube acaba sendo o porto seguro e a família buscada por cada um deles. Um por um vai encontrando a mulher que vai preencher e completar cada um deles. 
Neste livro temos a história de Core e Kitt.
Core é um veterano de guerra destruído física e emocionalmente, deprimido e com tendências suicidas e que está como prospecto no clube. Nós sabemos que a vida de um prospecto não é fácil, eles passam por todo tipo de provação até serem aceitos como membros efetivos do clube. Um dos membros que antipatiza com Core é Ridley, irmão de nossa heroína. Ridley torna a vida de Core bem difícil no clube.
Core encontrou no clube um propósito para continuar vivendo e acha que não merece mais nada da vida. Core não se acha merecedor de felicidade porque ele sobreviveu e o amigo dele não.
Kitt tem uma doença em que ela sofre de ataques onde perde a consciência o que deixa Ridley muito preocupado e a vigiando 24 horas. Kitt só quer ter uma vida normal onde as pessoas esqueçam um pouco de sua condição médica e a aceitem como a pessoa vibrante e cheia de vida que ela é. Ela só quer ser normal como qualquer garota da idade dela.
Os dois acabam se envolvendo e Core tenta ficar longe dela achando que não é bom o suficiente. Mas nossa heroína está determinada a encontrar a felicidade e ela quer que Core faça parte da vida dela.
Kitt demorou um pouco para convencer Core que os dois foram feitos um para o outro. Cada um quebrado e problemático, mas que juntos se tornam fortes e mais felizes. A jornada foi por vezes difícil e outras vezes hilária, mas muito empolgante. Eu gostei muito da heroína, porque apesar da doença ela não se deixou abater e foi em busca da felicidade. Ela foi incansável na busca da felicidade com Core.
Neste livro descobrimos um pouco mais sobre Ridley e as circunstâncias em que ele perdeu a esposa e também sobre outro membro da família. Estou curiosa sobre a história dele.
A história é muito bem escrita e contamos com a participação dos outros membros do clube, cenas muito emocionantes, um pouco de mistério e suspense, tudo muito bem dosado para prender a atenção do leitor. As cenas quentes entre os heróis são perfeitas.
Recomendo! 5 estrelas


First I would like to thank the author for the advance copy.
She's one of my favorite authors and I read everything she writes.
I won't go much into details so as not to spoil the reading of you, but the story is great and is worth to be read.
The members of the Uncertain Saint's MC are all bound together by extreme circumstances, each of which is quite problematic and with a sad and heavy story. The Club ends up being the safe haven and the family sought by each of them. One by one will find the woman who will fill out and complete each one of them.
In this book we read the story of Apple “Core” Drew and Kitt.
Core is a veteran of war destroyed physically and emotionally, depressed and suicidal and he is starting as a prospect at the Club. We know that the life of a prospect is not easy, they go through all kinds of trials until they are accepted as full members of the Club. One of the members who dislikes Core is Ridley, brother of our heroine. Ridley makes his life hard at the Club.
Core found in the Club a purpose to continue living and he thinks he doesn't deserve any more of life. Core doesn't think he's deserving of happiness because he survived and his friend did not.
Kitt has a disease where she suffers seizures that she loses consciousness which leaves Ridley very worried and watching her 24 hours. Kitt just wants to have a normal life where people forget about her medical condition and accepting her as vibrant and full of life person that she is. She just wants to be normal like any girl her age.
The two become involved and Core tries to stay away from Kitt thinking he's not good enough for her. But our heroine is determined to find happiness and she wants Core part of her life.
Kitt took a while to convince Core that the two were made for each other. Each one of them broken and problematic, but that both together become stronger and happier. The journey was sometimes hard and sometimes hilarious, but very interesting. I really liked heroin, because despite the disease she didn't let it get to her. She was tireless in pursuit of happiness with Core.
In this book we find out a little more about Ridley and the circumstances in which he lost his wife and also know about another family member. I'm curious about his story.
The story is very well written and we have the participation of other members of the Club, very exciting scenes, a little mystery and suspense, all very well dosed to hold the reader's attention.
The hot scenes between the heroes are perfect.
Recommend! 5 stars

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