
domingo, 9 de outubro de 2016

Nasty Bastard (Grim Bastards MC #4) by Emily Minton & Shelley Springfield

Nasty Bastard (Grim Bastards MC #4) by Emily Minton & Shelley Springfield

  • Formato: eBook Kindle
  • Tamanho do arquivo: 1060 KB
  • Número de páginas: 203 páginas
  • Idioma: Inglês
  • Data Publicação: 10 de outubro
  • Série: Grim Bastards MC #4
  • ASIN: B01M0OPIL9


She's the daughter of a club traitor, trying to start over. 
Daughter of the man that betrayed the Grim Bastards, Gidget Etheridge doesn’t want anything to do with the club. 
She grew up being ignored by her father, but found solace in the arms of the boy she loved. 
Everything changed the day he turned his back on her. 
When she and her son are rescued by Smoke, she has to decide if the boy who broke her heart is worth a second chance. 
He's a bastard, living life by his own rules.
Vice President Smoke Roundtree grew up knowing he would be a Grim Bastard, just like his father and grandfather. 
When he became a prospect, he made a choice between the club and the girl he loved. 
Even all these years later, he still wonders if he made the right decision. 
When he saves Gidget and her son, he finally has a chance to fix the mistakes of his past. 
Can a bastard heal the heart he shattered thirteen years ago?

Resenha em português e inglês. Review in Portuguese and English.

Gidget e Smoke cresceram juntos e se apaixonaram. Os dois tinham um futuro juntos todo planejado mas Smoke influenciado pelo pai dele muda de ideia e parte o coração da Gidget.
Smoke escolhe o clube e de uma maneira brutal ele termina o relacionamento com a mulher que ele ama. 
Cada um segue um caminho diferente e continuam com suas vidas. Smoke se dedica ao clube e Gidget se forma enfermeira, casa com outro homem e tem um filho.
Nenhum deles é realmente feliz com a vida que estão levando. O casamento dela acaba e ele não se envolve seriamente com nenhuma mulher.
Mas os problemas entre eles ainda não acabaram, porque o pai dela e o irmão dela são traidores do clube e ambos deixaram um rastro de destruição para trás.
Ela volta para a cidade após anos de ausência, agora aliviada porque o pai e o irmão não podem mais causar nenhum mal. Mal sabe ela que o perigo a aguarda na volta para o lar.
Smoke aproveita a ocasião para tentar reconquistar a mulher da vida dele. Agora ele decide que nada nem ninguém vai impedir ele de reivindicar a mulher dele de volta.
A história se desenvolve de maneira que prende a atenção do leitor do início ao fim. Os personagens dos livros anteriores tem presença marcante na história e contribuem para o enriquecimento da trama.
As cenas de sexo entre os heróis são bem intensas e muito quentes. 
Romance, suspense, ação, violência, suspeita, esperança, sexo, amor incondicional, guerra com outros clubes, inimigos desconhecidos. Encontramos um pacote completo de emoções na leitura desta história.
Recomendo muito toda série!


Gidget and Smoke grew up together and fell in love. The two had a future together all planned but Smoke influenced by his father changes his mind and breaks the heart of Gidget.
Smoke choose the Club and in a brutal way he ends the relationship with the woman he loves.
Each follows a different path and continue with their lives. Smoke is dedicated to the Club and Gidget graduate nurse, marry another man and has a son.
None of them are really happy with the life they are leading. Her marriage is over and he doesn't get involved seriously with any woman.
But the problems between them are not over, because her father and her brother are traitors of the Club and both left a trail of destruction behind.
She returns to the city after years of absence, now relieved because the father and the brother can no longer cause any harm. She barely knows that danger awaits in back home.
Smoke takes the opportunity to try to win back the woman of his life. Now he decides that nothing and nobody will stop him to claim his woman back.
The story develops in a way that holds the reader's attention from beginning to end. The characters of the previous books has strong presence in history and contribute to the enrichment of the plot.
The sex scenes between the heroes are very intense and very hot.
Romance, suspense, action, violence, suspicion, hope, sex, unconditional love, war with other clubs, unknown enemies. Find a complete package of emotions in reading this story.
I highly recommend the whole series!

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