Midnight Fever (Men of Midnight Book 6) by Lisa Marie Rice
Kindle Edition
Publication Date: May 26, 2017
Language: English
Review in Portuguese and English.
Copy received for honest review.
Fighting fire with fire
Nick Mancino always gets what he wants -- until now. Despite his seductive persistence, brainy, beautiful scientist Kay Hudson continues to elude him. However, Nick was a Navy Seal, and an FBI Special Agent, so giving up isn't an option.
Ever since that incendiary kiss they shared when Nick saved her beloved grandfather's life, Kay’s been having red hot fever dreams about Nick, but she’s got no business being tempted by anything. She’s on the verge of risking her reputation, her career, her very life, to blow the lid off a deadly bioweapons conspiracy, and Nick’s smoldering eyes, rock-hard body and hot, searching lips should be the very last thing on her mind.
However, with so much to lose, she deserves one blazing night of pleasure with Nick before she disappears forever.
But Nick won't let her face her demons alone . . . and they will have to face down an enemy that could consume them...and the entire world.
Uau! História maravilhosa!
Se você está procurando um herói perfeito e uma heroína encantadora você acaba de encontrar.
Ele é um macho alfa de primeira qualidade com aquelas características que amamos e conhecido como "Nick the Lionheart" pela bravura dele.
Ela é uma linda mulher, amorosa, leal à família e amigos, com grande ética profissional, super inteligente e especialista em virologia com um PhD e dois Masters.
Os heróis juntos são explosivos e colocam fogos nos lençois quando conseguem chegar até eles, porque eles são mestres em transar contra paredes. Os dois são muito quentes e a química entre eles é perfeita.
A melhor amiga da heroína descobre que alguém do departamento deles está vendendo os estudos para ser usado como arma biológica. Esta amiga é assassinada e deixa Kay encarregada de continuar a investigação.
Traída por colegas que deveriam assegurar que as pesquisas feitas seriam usadas somente para o benefício das pessoas e não para enriquecimento pessoal.
Os caras malvados criaram uma arma biológica com o vírus da gripe que somado com o DNA do alvo escolhido se torna em uma arma mortal e que atinge apenas a vítima ou aqueles que compartilham DNA com ela. Um vírus que é a arma perfeita com ação rápida e que some do organismo em 24 horas não deixando nada que incrimine o assassino.
Após vários assassinatos interligados à investigação. Tudo dá errado e nosso herói e a equipe dele entram em ação para salvar o dia.
Muitas cenas de ação e suspense e mais paredes são testadas pelos heróis.
O leitor não consegue parar a leitura para saber como tudo vai ser resolvido e se o assassino vai conseguir atingir Kay.
O final é realmente muito bom e o pedido de casamento é épico. Nunca vou esquecer a cena.
Recomendo muito toda série.
Este livro foi meu favorito até agora.
Wow! Wonderful story!
If you are looking for a perfect hero and a charming heroine you just found here.
He's an alpha male of first quality with those features we love and known as "Nick the Lionheart" by his bravery.
She is a beautiful woman, loving, loyal to friends and family, with a great work ethic, super smart and Virology expert with a PhD and two Masters.
The heroes together are explosives and put sheets on fire when they can get to them, because they are masters at sex against walls. Both are very hot and the chemistry between them is perfect.
Kay best friend finds out that someone in the Department is selling the studies to be used as a biological weapon. This friend is murdered and let Kay tasked to continue the investigation.
Betrayed by colleagues who should ensure that the research done would be used only for the benefit of the people and not for personal enrichment.
The bad guys have created a biological weapon with the flu virus that combined with the DNA of the target becomes in a deadly weapon and that reaches only the victim or those who share DNA with. A virus that is the perfect weapon with fast action and that disappears in 24 hours leaving no anything that would incriminate the killer.
After several murders connected to the investigation. Everything goes wrong and our hero and his team come into action to save the day.
Many scenes of action and suspense and more walls are tested by the heroes.
The reader can't stop reading to find out how everything will be resolved and if the killer will get Kay.
The end is really good and the proposal is epic. I will never forget the scene.
I highly recommend the whole series.
This book was my favorite so far.
"...he was with Alpha Security International, a big security company in Portland."
"Nick wasn’t known for his long-term relationships, but he wasn’t a player, either."
And yet…it never failed to astonish her that people could be more dangerous than disease. More murderous, capable of much greater damage."
"The consensus was that Nick was a really good guy, one of the rare ones. Hard-headed, yes, stubborn as they come, but brave as a lion."
He must be wondering whether she suffered from some kind of mental or hormonal disorder. Maybe she was. Nick Lust Disorder.
“It’s just dessert, Nick.” He wasn’t smiling at all. “Not the way you’re eating it, sweetheart. You’re making this pure sex.”
"Nick the Lionheart!"
"...he hadn’t been to bed with anyone since that kiss. Pathetic, but there it was.
"She was a virologist and geneticist—the fuck he knew about genes? Except the fact that his were irresistibly drawn to hers."
"Kay was real and warm and funny and so sexy she turned him inside out without even trying."
“I don’t think I can make it to the bed,” he whispered against the skin of her neck. “Then don’t,” she whispered back."
“Wow.” Wow was right.
"They’d walked into her hotel room and then she’d found herself plastered against the wall, somehow her clothes had come off and enough of his clothes had come off to make sex possible and the rest was a sweaty blur."
“We’re not alone, honey. We have a team at our back.”
"I have a horrible feeling we’re looking at a powerful bio-weapon, maybe weaponized Spanish flu. Certainly, whatever killed Mike did it in a minute, a minute and a half."
“we’re a team. Where Nick goes, we go.”
“A perfect murder weapon. A virus tailored to someone’s DNA, delivered by drone. Essentially a natural death, put down to a sudden allergic attack, a stroke or a heart attack. The murderer can be far away, guiding the drone by a tablet, waiting for the right moment."
"It’s the perfect weapon, surgically precise."
“Dr. Frank Winstone. The head of the CDC.”He’d betrayed her, he’d betrayed the thousands of people working for the CDC, he’d betrayed the thousands who’d risked their lives. He’d betrayed the millions of Americans who trusted the CDC to keep them safe.
“Bio-weapons, huh? Give me a gunned-up mobster any day.”
"Kay scienced the shit out of him.”
Oi Lu.
ResponderExcluirFazia tempo que não passava por aqui. Eu gosto muito da escrita dá Lisa. Ela tem um jeito único de mesclar cenas hots, suspense e ação de um jeito que nos prende a leitura do início ao fim. Ótima resenha. Bjus
Obrigada! <3
ExcluirAmei, Amei!! Concordo com tudo. Nick é super, mas, ao mesmo tempo, um fofo com Kay. Tbm achei q a autora resgatou o seu estilo antigo de escrita, por isso tudo ficou tão legal.
ResponderExcluirE as cenas de ação??? Uau!!!
Agora é esperar o próximo. Torço q seja o Matt, mas se for aqla cara tenente da SWAT ta bom tbm kkkkkkkkkkkkk
Sim! Que venha o próximo! <3